Coordination Commission

The Commission is composed of effective, associated and honorary members.


Effective members are :


  • the national founding circles of Mars & Mercury Europe
  • any national circle whose government has ratified the European Convention on Human Rights and whose candidacy has been or is accepted by the General Assembly.


Associate members are :


  • associations or societies of officers (or military) of European countries where no national circle does exist. There can only be one associate member per country ;
  • any association or society of officers (or military) from European countries which have ratified the European Convention on Human Rights and whose candidacy has been or is accepted by the General Assembly.


Are entitled to be elected as honorary member personalities, whether individual or legal entities, accepted as such by the General Assembly.


The Commission is administered by a Board composed of the following members :


  • the General President
  • the General Vice-President
  • the Secretary General
  • the General Treasurer


The Board may be assisted by an administrator responsible for Communications and Information Systems, and by other administrators, if necessary


The members are elected for a mandate of three years by the General Assembly. Their mandate may be renewed. The Secretary General and the General Treasurer shall be members of the Royal Circle Mars & Mercury Belgium.


The Presidency is rotational between national circles. A nation may however decline its tour of the Presidency.


The General Vice-President, after his or her mandate, shall in principle assume the function of General President. However, the nation holding the Presidency may depart from this principle by nominating a different candidate for the Presidency.

The nation holding the Presidency by next rotation shall nominate a candidate for the function of General Vice-President.